Election Day is a mere week away, and while you might be tired of the television advertisements and political commentary on social media, it’s important to exercise your right and vote. Several offices hang in the balance, including the governor’s, and the results of this election will impact the direction of the state. No matter which political party you support, we want to encourage you to make your voice heard!

Here are some resources to prepare you for November 6th:

Registering to Vote: Photo ID is required to vote, with limited exceptions. It is important to note that you can get a free State ID card from the DMV for voting if you do not currently have photo ID.  For more information on acceptable forms of identification and further explanation of the law, please visit: https://elections.wi.gov/elections-voting/photo-id

Finding Your Polling Place: With so many polling locations, it can be confusing to find the right one. Thankfully, you can use the following website to find your specific location: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-US/FindMyPollingPlace. Remember, regardless of your location, the polls will be open from 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM.

Previewing Your Ballot: Depending on your location, the information on your ballot will vary. If you want to know exactly what to expect next Tuesday, you can preview your ballot. This resource will provide you with an example for this election and allow you to prepare: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/PreviewMyBallot

Knowing Your Candidates: Perhaps the most essential part of the voting process is understanding your candidates and their platforms. To learn more about the names on the ballot, please visit: https://www.wisconsinvote.org/candidates-and-races

Exercise your right and make your voice heard this November! Get out there and vote!





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