Comprehensive Community Services

Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) is a Medical Assistance program administered by Dane County Human Services (DCHS) to provide a flexible array of individualized, community-based, psychosocial rehabilitation services to individuals in Dane County with mental health and/or substance use issues across the lifespan. Important features of Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) include:

  • Client-directed and individualized approach to care coordination
  • Recovery oriented and strengths-based approach
  • Focus on community supports
  • Team approach to care coordination and support
  • Open network of qualified providers
  • Cost-based reimbursement for providers
CCS Referrals

If you’re interested in accessing CCS services for yourself or someone you know, the first step is to apply for services through Dane County Human Services. The central CCS referral phone line for both youth and adults is 608-242-6415.

CCS Services available at RISE

RISE is an established provider in the CCS Network for Service Facilitation for youth and adults enrolled in CCS in Dane County. RISE has over 15 years of experience coordinating comprehensive community-based mental health services for individuals living with mental illness. We are dedicated to providing a collaborative team approach. We want to learn more from you and about you in order to best understand what is important to you. We know that you know yourself and your family better than anyone, and we will ask you for your input on all decisions, both large and small. We focus on people’s strengths and abilities. We understand that people have often been through a lot before they walk through our door. We honor that every person comes with cultural beliefs and values, and we strive to understand what is important to you.

RISE offers CCS Service Facilitation and additional services for individuals ages 6-35 years old, such as skill development and psycho-education for people receiving service facilitation from our agency. Service facilitation includes partnering with an enrolled participant and family, helping to guide the team by coordinating services, and making appropriate service linkages to assist the person/family in meeting the stated goals.

RISE also offers CCS Psychotherapy, Psychoeducation, and individual skill development provided by the Therapeutic Services Team. Services may be provided in the home or in an office-based setting and at days and times that are convenient for you. The Therapeutic Services Team uses a person-centered, strengths-based approach to mental health care and wellness. Referrals for CCS Psychotherapy at RISE should come from your CCS Service Facilitator. Submit Referral Online or contact with any questions about the referral process.

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