Community Partnerships’ early childhood programs, Early Childhood Initiative, Welcome Baby, and Parent-Child Home Program, are a few of the community-based services included in Dane County’s newest “Early Childhood Zone” on Madison’s north side. The aim of the Early Childhood Zones is to provide pregnant women and families with young children access to comprehensive and concentrated services while also removing barriers to service and support. Each of the home visiting programs that participate in the Early Childhood Zone offers a unique focus and specialty area ranging from mental health, developmental support and education, employment and education support, housing stability, and early literacy. The development of the North side Zone has been a collaborative effort led by the Oscar Rennebohm Foundation, Dane County Human Services, United Way, Madison School District, and the home visiting programs and staff.
The north side Early Childhood Zone and it’s corresponding home visiting programs were recently featured in The Cap Times article “New early childhood zone on Madison’s north side aim to narrow the achievement gap.” Follow the link to read the full article.