With another snowy Saturday on the horizon, you are going to need some good news to pull you through! Luckily we have you covered! Read on for our four favorite stories this week!
LEGO Announces “Braille Bricks”: LEGO has announced that they will be introducing “Braille Bricks” to their brand in 2020. This new product line will feature the same number of studs used for individual letters and numbers in Braille. They will remain compatible with the LEGO system and feature a printed letter or character to ensure that those interacting with the products understand what they represent. Philippe Chazal, Treasurer of the European Blind Union, praised the company for finding an innovative way to renew children’s interest in the learning Braille. According to Chazal, audiobooks and computer programs have become primary sources for learning and children have lost interest in learning Braille. He finds this troublesome as Braille users are more independent and have higher levels of education. Chazal believes that the “Braille Bricks” will be a great way for children to learn the language in a fun, interactive way. John Goodwin, CEO of the LEGO Foundation, expressed his thoughts on the line, “With this project, we are bringing a playful and inclusive approach to learning Braille to children. I hope children, parents, caregivers, teachers and practitioners worldwide will be as excited as we are, and we can’t wait to see the positive impact.”
Widow Celebrating Her Anniversary Joined by Strangers: Jamario Howard was having dinner with a friend when he noticed a woman eating alone. When he saw her, he thought about how much he would hate eating by himself. So, after consulting with his friend, they approached the woman and asked if they could join her. She accepted and introduced herself as Eleanor. She told the pair about her life and mentioned that her husband had passed away. The next day would have been their 60th wedding anniversary. They spent about 45 minutes talking with her and learning about her life and they have since seen each other and they plan to keep in touch. About the experience, Howard said, ““Always be kind,” Howard explained. “It can go a long way for you and a long way for them.”
Patient’s Pizza Request Gets Great Response: Cole Favro ordered pizza with an unusual method this week. Using blue tape, the teenager wrote, “SEND PIZZA 8 SOUTH RM 14,” on his hospital window. Favro has cystic fibrosis and he wanted to surprise his medical team with a treat. Since Favro is now 18, he will be transferred Highland Hospital and he wanted to express his thanks before he left. His request was well-received, and the public sent five sheets and ten pizza pies to his room. Both Favro and his team were surprised by people’s generosity. “It feels great to know that people are looking out for kids in the hospital like me and that they care to send pizza up,” Favro told Yahoo Lifestyle. “It made my day and I appreciate it so much. I’m very thankful for it.”
Teacher Receives Time to Spend with Sick Daughter: David Green, a teacher Mae Jemison High School in Huntsville, Alabama, received an incredible gift from his coworkers this year. His ten month-old daughter, Kinsley, was recently diagnosed with leukemia and he had been attending her chemotherapy sessions. Unfortunately, these sessions meant that Green had run out of sick days at work. Green’s wife, Megan, drew attention to this issue through a Facebook post. She made a plea for donated sick days and the response was incredible. Green received over 100 sick days, even though he only needed around 40. The faculty said they were happy to help. “You know, you want to send words of encouragement, you want to do something to help, but this was a real physical way that we could help him and his family,” Anna Kachelman, a first-grade teacher at the school, said.